Can you use pine for outdoor furniture?

Pinewood is softwoods known for its high compressive density and bending strength. Compared to other softwoods, pine woods are believed to be stronger and more durable, which is why they are commonly used for most woodwork projects such as window frames, roofing, paneling, and even furniture. However, when it comes to furniture, especially outdoor furniture, homeowners are usually skeptical about its effectiveness.

Although the reason for their skepticism is very obvious: hardwood is stronger than softwood. And for outdoor furniture that will be subjected to varying levels of weather conditions, truly, using softwood might sound ridiculous. But “can you use pine for outdoor furniture?” I will provide an answer to this question in this article. Keep reading!

Can pine be use for outdoor furniture? 

Yes, you can use pine for outdoor furniture. Homeowners are usually more concerned about the wood to be used for outdoor furniture than indoors. The reason is that outdoor furniture is more prone to elements like weather that can cause them to wear out quickly. Therefore, they always settle for teak because they are very strong. However, if you are a fan of softwood furniture, you can also make use of pine because they are also very much durable. Plus, pine woods are very flexible, which means you can creatively craft them into different styles of your choice.

Can I use pine wood for outdoor furniture? 

Yes, you can use pine wood for outdoor furniture. Are you familiar with the saying, “do not judge a book by its cover?” Well, most people do the exact opposite of this expression whenever pine is proposed to them as wood for outdoor furniture. Yeah, I get it if, at first, you feel it would be awkward to use pine wood as outdoor furniture. But what you have failed to realize is that even though they are softwoods, they are strong and very versatile. Plus, you can also take advantage of their rustic beauty to add character to the wood.

Can you use treated pine for outdoor furniture? 

Yes, you can use treated pine for your outdoor furniture. Woods are often treated to prevent decay. The most common type of wood that is often treated is the pines and other softwoods because it will be easier for the chemicals used for the treatment to penetrate through them. Treated pines, although may not be stronger than non-treated pines, when they are used for outdoor furniture, they are more insect resistant and would last longer.

Best finish for outdoor pine furniture 

For you to enjoy your pine furniture for a long time, you have to apply a finish to protect them from outdoor elements like rain, wind, and sun that may put your future at risk of expedited damage. Fortunately, you have lots of finish options but the best and most commonly used are Polyurethane or gel stain and paint or epoxy finishes.

Pine outdoor furniture protection

Using pine for outdoor furniture may come at a cost: they will be susceptible to damages caused by outdoor elements. Of all the outdoor elements, the sun poses the most threat because pines are sensitive to the UV light radiated by the sun. Hence the reason they have to be protected. You will find details on how you can protect your outdoor pine furniture in the next section.

How to protect outdoor pine furniture 

You can use any polyurethane, paint, or epoxy finish to protect your pine furniture from the adverse effect of the sun and other outdoor elements. Check below for details on how to apply these protectors.

Application of Polyurethane 

  1. Find a spot around your house with good ventilation; preferably, you can use it outside to apply the finish. Spread out a tarp and lay your pine furniture on it to prevent stains. If you are sensitive to offensive odors, put on a respirator before you start using the polyurethane.
  2. Dilute the Polyurethane by mixing it with mineral spirit in the ratio of 2 to 1, respectively. Apply the sealant to the furniture surface in long strokes.
  3. Leave the sealant on the surface to dry for about 24 hours. After that, dip the paintbrush into the container of undiluted polyurethane and brush over the furniture in thin, long strokes, and leave it to dry for another 24 hours before adding another coat.
  4. Apply an additional 1 to 2 coats of polyurethane to the surface, allowing each coat to dry before applying another.
  5. If you see any bumps on the coated surface, gently scrape them off with a blade. After the bump is gone, use 400-grit sandpaper to rub the entire surface to ensure an even finish.
  6. Apply a final coat of polyurethane, making sure to work as evenly as possible while also checking for blemishes or drip. Leave the coat to dry for 24 hours.
  7. Polyurethane, most of the time, last for only about 2 to 3 years, so if you notice that your finish is becoming dull or you see signs of weather damage, reapply the finish as directed.

Can you use pine for garden furniture? 

Yes, you can use pine for garden furniture. Untreated pine will do an excellent job for your garden bed. You can equally make use of treated pine for prolonged use of the furniture. The only downside to using pine for garden or outdoor furniture, in general, is that they are not as resistant to outdoor elements as cedar.

Can pine be sealed for outdoor use? 

Yes, you can seal pine if you want to use them for outdoor purposes. Sealing your outdoor pine furniture will help keep its bright and fresh look. To seal your pine furniture, you can make use of linseed oil or Danish oil.

How long will pine last outdoor? 

Pinewoods, whether treated or untreated, will last several years outdoors before they finally wear out. In as much as there’s no precise expected life span for outdoor untreated pine furniture, treated pine is expected to last less than a year or about 30 years.  

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